Welcome back to a new school year and another episode of the The Video Store Podcast. Hope you’ve gathered your school supplies and movie rentals for back-to-school time.
First up is a horror film that will remind you that no matter how tough your school might be, it could always be worse. It’s 1977’s Suspiria directed by Dario Argento. This classic film is the first in his Three Mothers trilogy. It’s one of those films that shows just how scary going to school can be. There’s horror, there’s drama, but the good news is, your school probably isn’t run by witches. With an iconic score by Goblin and incredible sound editing, Suspiria is a film that keeps you coming back every school year.
The second film on our list this week is the Academy Award-nominated and winning film, Dead Poets Society from 1989. This film will have you seizing the day and standing on your desk shouting “Oh Captain, my Captain!” by the end. The film also focuses on the pressures young men face to have “success” and to suppress emotions back in 1959, and honestly, still today. It’s a timeless classic that sets the mood for back to school.
The third film on our list pairs well with our second—Mona Lisa Smile from 2003. While the film is sometimes called Dead Poets Society with girls, I think that undercuts the film. While yes, there are similarities, Mona Lisa Smile focuses on the pressures facing women in the early 50s, rather than men. Both perspectives are valuable, making it a great double bill with the previous film. Look for a cameo from singer Tori Amos in this one.
The last film in our show this week is the 1985 comedy, Real Genius directed by Martha Coolidge. Starring Val Kilmer, Gabriel Jarret, William Atherton, Robert Prescott, and Michelle Meyrink, Real Genius is about some college students, including a child prodigy, who find out their school project is actually an illegal government project. Make some popcorn for this one. You’ll be glad you did.
We hope these selections will help you have a great start to the school year. Here’s hoping your school year is filled with great teachers, great friends, plenty of popcorn, and 100% less murder than in Suspiria. Thanks for joining us on the school bus for this week’s Video Store Podcast.
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